The Best Alternative Medicine Books: What You Need to Know

Will Obeid
4 min readOct 8, 2020


In today’s technology-driven world, podcasts and other forms of media have seemingly taken over, but many people prefer to get their information and entertainment from books. For those interested in holistic health, there are thousands of titles to choose from, so narrowing it down to just a few can be challenging. Going beyond self-help books, today’s most popular holistic-centered books combine knowledge of modern medicine with ancient healing wisdom for a comprehensive approach to wellness. Whether you prefer to read physical books, listen to audiobooks, or access digital versions on your smartphone or tablet, the following holistic titles are a good place to start.

The Ultimate Holistic Health Book: Your Guide to Ultimate Health & Wellbeing

Written by health guru and physician Dr. Deborah McManners, The Ultimate Holistic Health Book: Your Guide to Ultimate Health & Wellbeing focuses on taking a complete approach to health and wellness. A handy guide that provides a variety of homeopathicremedies along with Western medicine, this book gives readers everything they need to create a well-rounded holistic healing plan for themselves.

Complete with questionnaires designed to elicit the right information to take charge of your mental and physical wellbeing, The Ultimate Holistic Health Book has been a go-to for holistic novices and experts since its initial publication in 2007.

Food and Healing: How What You Eat Determines Your Health, Your Well-Being, and Your Quality of Life

As more people become aware of the connection between food and our overall health, there has been a push to find as much information as possible on the subject. Food and Healing, written by Annemarie Colbin and in print since 1986, was one of the first all-inclusive holistic titles. This book details the connection between nutrition and wellness and how alternative medicine and food work together for optimal health. Based on the saying “You are what you eat,” Colbin goes into detail about investigative nutrition and gives tips for discovering why illness happens and what to do about it.

This practical book, with rave reviews from both medical experts and casual readers, touches on various relevant topics such as illness prevention, the effect of food on mental health, and creating an eating plan that supports wellness.

Ayurveda and the Mind: The Healing of Consciousness

Written by Ayurveda expert Dr. David Frawley, Ayurveda and the Mind educates readers about this Indian alternative medicine system that has only recently gained notoriety in the Western world. Frawley is a world-renowned yoga and Ayurvedic expert and is one of the leading practitioners in the United States.

Providing research-backed information on Ayurvedic medicine, Ayurveda and the Mind reveals the mind-body connection through a series of tests that allow the reader to assess their current condition and make necessary adjustments. Not for beginners, Ayurveda and the Mind goes beyond basic knowledge and dives deeper into the psychology of Ayurveda.

The Relaxation Response

More than just a book, The Relaxation Response also refers to a term coined by author and physician Dr. Herbert Benson. Specializing in cardiology, Dr. Benson founded the Harvard Mind/Body Medical Institute, and his work led him to understand how the human body responds to stress. The relaxation response is a learnable technique that can help people understand their physiological responses and develop an action plan for neutralizing the negative effects of stress.

With a focus on mindfulness meditation and recognizing stress triggers, The Relaxation Response contends that those who use the technique can see near-immediate improvement regarding stress reduction, lower blood pressure and resting heart rate, and an improvement in general mental and physical wellbeing. The Relaxation Response has been in print since 1976, with several expanded editions published since. The book is available in hardcover, paperback, and eBook format.

SuperLife: The 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome

A #1 Amazon bestseller, SuperLife: The 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome was written by nutritionist and lifestyle expert Darin Olien. He details the five life forces-nutrition, hydration, oxygenation, alkalization, and detoxification-which he notes are key to achieving optimal physical health. The book gives readers everything they need to understand whole-body health and keep their bodies in peak condition.

SuperLife asserts that when these life forces are in balance, the body functions as intended and naturally fights disease and amplifies wellness. Benefits of life-force balance include weight regulation, illness and injury prevention, and improved mental clarity. The book also provides the science behind optimal nutrition and gives steps to take as well as sample grocery lists, mini action plans, and a plethora of practical advice.

More to Explore

The aforementioned titles are just a small sample of the ever-expanding selection of holistic health books. Anyone interested in challenging pharmacology-dependent health management will be sure to find various holistic health books that resonate. Take some time to research available titles and be sure to read reviews and listen to recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues.

Originally published at on October 8, 2020.



Will Obeid

Will Obeid is a New York-based real estate professional with nearly two decades of experience in upscale hospitality, retail, and residential development.